Welcome to Projex J:
A Community of Compassion and Healing

At Projex J, we understand that grief can be overwhelming and isolating. We are dedicated to providing support, connection, and hope to individuals and families navigating the journey of loss. Our mission is to ensure that no one faces grief alone, and our comprehensive services are designed to meet the immediate needs of those who are in distress and experiencing loss.

Projex J is established specifically to support those who are grieving and facing distress, sorrow and mental health challenges after losing a loved one. Our programs are designed to support:

  • Spouses grieving the loss of their partners.
  • Children who have lost a parent or sibling.
  • Parents coping with the loss of a child.
  • Individuals and families dealing with pregnancy-related losses.
We offer a range of charitable services and programs to help individuals and families navigate the challenges of grief, including:

The connection between mental health and grief cannot be overstated. Research has shown that the absence of adequate support during periods of profound loss can lead to prolonged grief disorder, depression, and other mental health challenges. A robust support system—whether through counselling, peer groups, or community engagement—is essential in helping individuals process their grief and rebuild their lives.

At Projex J, we recognise the critical role of mental health care and community support in the grieving process. We believe that shared grief is lighter grief. By coming together, we can find strength in community, resilience in connection, and hope in the face of loss. Join us as we get busy living and healing, one step at a time.

Thank you for visiting Projex J. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected with our journey.